Data Warehousing / Business Intelligence Services

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Data Warehousing / Business Intelligence Services

Intelligent information is the foundation for good decision making. In today’s hyper-competitive world, successful organizations are using actionable information to make informed decisions allowing them to create a sustainable competitive advantage that’s helping them outperform rivals.

To maximize the value of information, decision makers within enterprises need the capability to extract the right insight at the right time from large volumes of data, draw reliable conclusions, and take necessary action for business success. The Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence (DW/BI) discipline provides an ecosystem to transform raw data into actionable information thus facilitating strategic, tactical and operational decision making.

Information management is changing the way companies operate by fundamentally affecting critical aspects of the value chain – every activity uses, and in turn, generates data. The more a company automates its value chain, the more data it produces. With data volumes growing day by day, CIOs are coming under increasing pressure to select the right DW/BI solutions to meet their business needs.

OnPointe DW/BI services directly address these challenges by offering a holistic approach to meet the complete information management needs of an enterprise